OTJ Sessions: Online Teachers Japan, Zoom session June 27, 2020 Session Abstract: In these times of Emergency Remote Teaching, communication with students has become increasingly important. This presentation will discuss the use of Line Official as a means of securing effective communication with students. Line is the main mode of communication for most Japanese university […]
- Folder Sharing Via Google Drive Steve Henneberry
- Swipe to Agree Steve Henneberry
- Zaggonit Steve Henneberry
- Download YouTube videos on your iPad Steve Henneberry
- iCabMobile to the rescue Steve Henneberry
- Eventzil.la: Session Assets Stephen Henneberry
- Line Official: Students actually get the message Stephen Henneberry
- Folder Sharing Via Google Drive Stephen Henneberry
- Swipe to Agree Stephen Henneberry
- 2011 Presentation Wordcloud Stephen Henneberry